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AnsheX Privacy Policy

June 1st, 2008

  • This AnsheX Privacy Policy will let you know all about how Anshe Chung Studios (ACS) uses the personal information we collect when you use the AnsheX site and related Products and Services provided by ACS.
  • When you sign up for the AnsheX site, we ask for your personal information so we can provide through the site certain products and services. The information ACS requires for registration includes your email address and a game account name. We additionally require sellers to provide their own real name, personal address, and phone number. For some services, you may be asked to provide validation of your operation of a certain game account by means of a primary transaction or some other evidential action. The information gathered through these actions allows us to process payments and protect users from fraud. ACS keeps this information associated with your AnsheX account, and we may obtain information about you from third parties to verify the information you provide.
  • When you use the site to conduct a transaction, we collect information including: the transaction amount, a description provided by the seller of the goods or services being purchased, the names of the seller and buyer, and the type of payment used. The AnsheX site may send cookies to your computer, and our servers may automatically record information such as your web request, Internet Protocol address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser, and ACS may use other third-party systems to help to improve the quality of our service by storing user preferences and tracking user trends. Additionally, when you use the AnsheX site we may keep any written communications between yourself and ACS in order to answer your questions, respond to your requests and improve our services. With the information we collect, we can provide our products and services to you in a way that best suits your needs and allows us to continue to improve our products and services.
  • We process personal information on our servers in several countries. In some cases, we may process personal information on behalf of and according to the instructions of a third party, such as our advertising partners, but your personally identifiable information will not be sold or rented to companies outside of ACS. If ACS at some point is the subject of a merger or acquisition, we would transfer to the parent or partner companies your information. In this event, ACS will notify you before information about you is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.
  • Any improper collection or misuse of information provided on the AnsheX site is a violation of the AnsheX Terms of Service and should be reported to abuse@anshex.com.
  • While we utilize appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to your account and its data, the security of your account greatly depends on you keeping your account password confidential, so you should never share your account name or password with anyone. If you share your account information with anyone else, they will have access to your account and your personal information.
  • You can edit your AnsheX account information in the Edit Profile section of the AnsheX site after logging in.
  • This Privacy Policy may change from time to time, and the current version of the Privacy Policy will be available at AnsheX privacy.

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